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RNB Consulting Group – Providing Harmony to Healthcare and Pharma Companies Bringing Products and Services from Conception to the Market

Rory Sparrow Jr.

CEO & Co-Founder

RNB Consulting Group


Rory Sparrow Jr., Co-founder and CEO


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Interview conducted by:

Bud Wayne, Editorial Executive

CEOCFO Magazine

Published – September 16, 2024

CEOCFO: Mr. Sparrow, tell us about RNB Consulting; how long you've been around, and how you got started.

Mr. Sparrow: RNB Consulting has been around since 2022, but we became incorporated in 2023. Personally, what got me started in this field was my background in healthcare IT consulting. I was used to working in hospitals and working with their EMR systems. I was able to rub elbows with the CEOs and other executives whenever they would do a launch for a new EMR system, whether it would be Epic or Cerner or Meditech. This gave me the opportunity to get to know some of the higher-ups that were making the decisions and start to better understand their needs.

I did that for several years, but the consistency was not there, as I had to depend on getting a contract through the agencies and recruiters that I was working with. I just wanted to be able to source work on my own. So, I took matters into my own hands. Since it was a field I was familiar with and had a passion for, I was able to dive in head first knowing the scope of the business. My business partner and I decided that this was an area that we both saw value in. We created a business and went on from there.

CEOCFO: Tell us about the name RNB Consulting. Is the "N" capitalized or lowercase? What is RNB an acronym for? Is it a play on words for the great music style R&B?

Mr. Sparrow: Ironically, the “N” in RNB was previously lowercase, but we officially changed it to an uppercase “N” when we became incorporated. As for the “R” and the “B”, it actually comes from my name, Rory and my Co-Founder’s name Breana. However, it is also a play on words. We wanted to bring harmony to the healthcare and pharma markets from a business perspective, similar to the way the music style of R&B brought harmony to music.

CEOCFO: When people see a drug that has made it to the market, most don't realize what it took to bring it to the patient. Yes, you have those that I call the "creatives", who have invented the drug. But then you have companies like RNB Consulting Group, because the CEO of these healthcare and pharma companies need help as they do not have the expertise in all these different areas needed to fulfill their dream.

Mr. Sparrow: It is a cohesive process and involves collaboration. We take pride when someone brings their baby to us, so we are going to take care of it and make sure that we make it the best that it can be.

CEOCFO: What areas do you get involved with?

Mr. Sparrow: In the beginning, we were trying to get on our feet in a few different markets with healthcare always being the market that was the most successful for us. When we became incorporated we decided to focus on that direction and that area. For our healthcare and pharma clients, we do everything from human resources consulting where we specialize in talent acquisition, retention strategies and we can also provide advice on HR compliance and give regulatory guidance for employee well-being, workflow optimization, and things of that nature. Operations consulting is another one of our focus areas. We help companies to streamline processes and identify inefficiencies, ultimately increasing profitability. We also do marketing consulting, brand strategy and positioning, digital marketing, and creating an online presence.

As you mentioned, the creatives or creators are usually focused on the actual product but may not necessarily know how to get it to the masses and that is where essentially the musician meets up with the producer, so to speak. Now we have a record whereas before we may have m just had the vocals or a baseline or a beat. We come in and fill in the gaps for those companies, similar to the musical engineer to where now we can create a record of sorts that we can distribute out to the world.

Our goal is to improve the industry, because healthcare is probably the most important industry there is. Without healthcare, we do not have people. Health is wealth.

CEOCFO: Do you work with startups, SMBs, or larger organizations? Can you take a startup through to acquisition or bringing a product to market?

Mr. Sparrow: Absolutely! We are currently working with a company called CultureFirst. They are a new home healthcare facility based out of Atlanta. We essentially did the licensing and regulatory advising, as well as the general business structure organization. We created the website and did the standard operating procedures. I have a bit of an artistic background so for that company we did their logo as well. We do a little bit of everything.

We help where we see fit and it does not always necessarily have to be pigeonholed into whatever services we have listed on our website. We work with companies of all sizes from startup companies to larger companies. However, our primary focus is small to mid-sized organizations.  

CEOCFO: How much of what you do is with Pharma companies and how much is with different areas of Healthcare? What other types of healthcare companies might you work with and could benefit from your services?

Mr. Sparrow: It’s about 50/50. We work with all types of organizations related to the healthcare field depending on where they are at and what we have the opportunity to consult on. It does not necessarily have to be a pharmaceutical company or medicine creation. It could be home healthcare, starting up a new EMR, or opening a new physician practice or hospital. We meet people where they are. We also work with them on strategies and pricing of our services depending upon what their needs are. Our solutions are very tailored to the individual client’s needs.

CEOCFO: Where does your technology and expertise come from?

Mr. Sparrow: We do have our internal experts, but we also do a lot of collaboration. For example we have a set of external tech professionals who help us. We can call them in and they will help us with solutions as needed like building out custom dashboards or solving specialized tech system issues. We are building out our network rapidly based on more client interaction and more client retention.

Our external partners also bring in expertise in areas where we may not be as adept, such as we have healthcare lawyers handy to help out with deeper level regulatory and compliance problems. So they are another example of how we are building out our network.

CEOCFO: Would you tell us about your Co-Founder and your team?

Mr. Sparrow: My Co-Founder and COO is great! Her name is Breana Payne. Her background is in virtual and executive assistance, business operations consulting, and in marketing strategies. She also has some background in healthcare, specifically around HR and recruiting processes. We met on an old project that I worked on in terms of my healthcare IT consulting. We built a relationship from there.

We both wanted to start our own business and it made sense that we should do it together based on her wide range of experience and her network and reach with different companies all over the world. With me being deeply involved in the healthcare field, tech space and creative design, things were meant to be. We both saw a business opportunity and business need that we thought we could thrive in and that is how we got together.

CEOCFO: Global Reach? How many countries? Do you have staff in those countries?

Mr. Sparrow: Since shifting to a healthcare focus, we are mainly working with companies in the US and Canada. But we have also worked with people and businesses all over like the Netherlands and Germany, the Philippines and Trinidad and Tobago. We are working to get more companies under our belt outside of just the US and Canada.

CEOCFO: Where will future growth come from for you; expanded global reach, new clients, expanded use from current clients as they reach different stages of their growth?

Mr. Sparrow: We have a few opportunities for future growth. We are a fan of client referrals as well as our own internal market research on where we can meet new clients. In terms of doing our research, when we see that clients may need our services, we actively reach out via LinkedIn or email. We don’t passively wait for them to come to us. Starting next year, we have some industry conferences and major networking events lined up that we will be going to. That gives us the chance to have more face to face interactions with companies that we can possibly help. We are also innovative in terms of launching new products.

We have a CareRevive Initiative program that we started Phase 1 at the end of 2022. That was essentially to collect data from about 20 or 30 healthcare organizations. We chose to work with about ten of them where we made assessments for them and gathered employee feedback trying to gain a scope of their workplace culture to find ways to improve, enhance their leadership, and optimize their HR. The results were good, especially for Phase 1 of something. We got about a 20% increase in employee satisfaction from the start to now.

We are going to launch Phase 2 relatively soon. We are working out the kinks to where that actual date is going to launch and we will be posting that on our website or Linkedin. Phase 2 is about trying to satisfy and refine companies in a long-term capacity to where there is sustainable success and satisfied employees in the healthcare field. Phase 2 will be open to the healthcare organization we are currently working for or even new organizations that want to work with us. We want to get out new products regularly. And based on our high client success and retention rates, they usually want to refer somebody; we often get clients that way.

CEOCFO: As you grow your organization, will you be looking to investors or partners?

Mr. Sparrow: As far as investors, we’ve explored the idea and might be doing that in the future, but right now it might be too early. But, we are actively seeking partnership opportunities with larger firms who may want to pass off specialized projects that they’re too busy for or prime government contractors looking to subcontract out some of their work.

CEOCFO: Why choose RNB Consulting Group?

Mr. Sparrow: We are geared towards what companies may need because of our tailored solutions. “We have a proven track record of positive impact on companies. We will meet a company exactly where they are and grow with them as well as guide them to where they want to go.” We are big on client satisfaction which is something that we hold to our core values of our company. Without the client, we do not have a company. We have to make sure they are satisfied with what they are requesting of us.

I want to be accessible to where I am not just saying words on the website but showing you my actions with my words. Our mission statement is definitely to be powerful advocates for patient care. We combine compassionate care with innovative strategies to enhance operational efficiency and profitability. I feel the best way to do that is for me to be hands-on in the process and not necessarily delegate the majority of my tasks as CEO.” I feel I need to put my fingerprint on the process to make sure that our clients understand that I stand behind the company as well as in front of the company.”

RNB Consulting Group | Rory Sparrow Jr. | Healthcare Consultants | Pharmaceutical Consulting | Marketing Consultant | RNB Consulting Group – Providing Harmony to Healthcare and Pharma Companies Bringing Products and Services from Conception to the Market | CEO Interviews 2024 | Healthcare Companies | Healthcare Company Consulting | Pharma Consultant | human resources consulting | talent acquisition | retention strategies | HR compliance | regulatory guidance for employee well-being | workflow optimization | Operations consulting | streamline processes | identify inefficiencies | increase profitability | marketing consulting | brand strategy and positioning | digital marketing | create an online presence | RNB Consulting Group Press Releases, News, Linkedin

“We have a proven track record of positive impact on companies. We will meet a company exactly where they are and grow with them as well as guide them to where they want to go.”
Rory Sparrow Jr.